There are 2 places where you can see previous pay history and pay stubs for a worker’s payments that have been processed through our system.
Note: You will not be able to see any pay stubs for historical payments that have been processed outside of our system
Dashboard Tab
- On the Dashboard tab for any employer, you will see a section towards the bottom called Payroll run list. Here you’ll be able to view payroll history and pay stubs by Pay Date
- Click on View details under ACTIONS ****to view the payrolls that were included on that pay date
- Click View details on any worker from that Payroll run details page to see the associated pay stub
Worker list tab
- To view all of the payroll history or pay stubs for an individual worker, click on the Worker list tab in the employer’s main page
- Under the Worker list page, click on the worker you’d like more information on
- Now that you’re in that worker’s main page, click on the Worker payments tab
- There you will see a table that displays the basic payroll details for that pay date. To see the associated pay stub, simply click any of the View details links
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