A Federal Employer Identification Number (FEIN) is a unique nine-digit number assigned by the Internal Revenue Service (IRS) to identify businesses operating in the United States. This number is used to identify a business entity for tax purposes, as well as for opening bank accounts, applying for loans, and filing and paying company payroll and other business taxes. In other words, it serves as a business's identification number for the IRS.
The FEIN format will always be XX-XXXXXXX, and is the only format the Salsa system will allow. If Salsa notices the FEIN appears to be misaligned with general formatting (eg; 12-3456789 or 99-9999999) we will touch base with the partner and request additional documentation.
To find your Federal Employer Identification Number (FEIN), you can follow these steps:
- Check Your Documents: Your FEIN is usually mentioned on any business-related documents, such as previous tax returns, business registration paperwork, or other official documents you received from the Internal Revenue Service (IRS).
- Contact the IRS: If you cannot find your FEIN on your documents, you can contact the IRS directly at (800) 829-4933. They may ask you to provide certain information to verify your identity and ownership of the business before providing you with the FEIN.
- Check with Your Bank: If you opened a business bank account, your bank may have your FEIN on file. You can reach out to your bank to inquire about this.
- Check with Your Accountant or Tax Preparer: If you work with an accountant or tax preparer, they should have your FEIN on record, as they often use it for tax filing purposes.
Remember that the FEIN is crucial for various business-related activities, including tax filing, hiring employees, opening business bank accounts, and more. It's important to keep this number secure and easily accessible for official purposes.
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